Munchies science

Why Smoking Weed Gives You the Munchies

Marijuana News

Mac n’ cheese, Ben & Jerry’s, pizza, and more… no food group is safe when the munchies take control. You probably already know how to cure your particular brand of munchies, but do you know why you even get them in the first place? Learn more below as to how our minds, bodies, and senses are affected by weed and …


Northern California Fires Impact on Marijuana Crops

Marijuana News

Much has been lost in the Northern California wildfires that’s been raging since early October 2017. Many have lost their homes, businesses, and crops — and we’re not just talking about grapes. Like wine purveyors, cannabis farmers have also been feeling the heat. They too have lost acres of valuable crops but unlike vineyards, they have little hope of external …

California Legalizes Recreational Marijuana – Now What?

Marijuana News

Nov. 8 is quickly approaching. While many have already chosen their candidate, there are still some that remain undecided – surprisingly.

If you’re still unsure of which candidate to vote for, or perhaps you’re just interested in learning of their stance regarding cannabis, read the below for a synopsis on their thoughts on pot.

2016 Presidential Candidates’ Thoughts on Pot

Marijuana News

Nov. 8 is quickly approaching. While many have already chosen their candidate, there are still some that remain undecided – surprisingly.

If you’re still unsure of which candidate to vote for, or perhaps you’re just interested in learning of their stance regarding cannabis, read the below for a synopsis on their thoughts on pot.