2016 Presidential Candidates’ Thoughts on Pot

Marijuana News

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November 8, 2016 is quickly approaching. While many have already chosen their candidate, there are still some that remain undecided – surprisingly.

If you’re still unsure of which candidate to vote for, or perhaps you’re just interested in learning of their stance regarding cannabis, read the below for a synopsis on their thoughts on pot.

Hillary Clinton: Democratic Ticket

Advocate for additional research on medical marijuana for extreme medical conditions, per a 2014 CNN Town Hall. Supports a “wait and see” position based on Colorado and Washington state’s results regarding recreational legalization.

Donald Trump: Republican Ticket

Once publically favored legalization of all drugs. But currently only supports medical marijuana use. Suggests that each individual state to decide its own fate regarding recreational use. His running mate, Mike Pence, staunchly opposes any marijuana law reforms.

Gary Johnson: Libertarian Ticket

Fully supports legalization of all marijuana use. Per The Atlantic, “With an eye toward… wooing young and liberal voters, Johnson has made drug policy a center­piece of his current campaign.” His running mate, Bill Weld, supports full legalization.

Dr. Jill Stein: Green Party Ticket

Supports full legalization of all marijuana. Proposes to have DEA remove marijuana from Schedule I classification as one of the most dangerous drugs.

Each candidate has their own platform in which they’re choosing to base their campaign. For the Donald, it’s about a wall. For Hillary, it’s about improving upon Obama’s presidency. And for Johnson and Stein, it’s about not being Trump or Clinton. But when it comes to marijuana legalization, the candidates’ stances aren’t too different from one another. All support legalization of medical marijuana with Johnson and Stein fully backing recreational use as well. Conversely, Trump and Clinton opt for a wait and see approach.

This means that if you’re a patient in need of medical marijuana, you’re in a pretty good place since all candidates agree on this issue. But if you’re still undecided on whom to vote for, be sure to do due diligence and research each candidate’s stance on marijuana and all other pertinent issues as well before casting your vote.